- Neural Network Training Makes Beautiful Fractals
- The neural network hyperparamater search space is fractal
- Rosetta Code
- Fluency across a wide variety of paradigms is a superpower
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Don’t waste your time googling syntax
- UMAP on prime factorizations
- Dimensionality reduction on prime factorizations
- cheat.sh
- $ curl cheat.sh/curl
- Jailbreaking Super Mario World
- Jailbreaks are super cool!
- Bitcoin Is Dead
- All your base are belong to us (site seems outdated)
- Exercism
- Best site ever to learn new programming languages. Doesn’t hold your hand.
- A good five-cent cigar 2020-12-8 Archive
- Devaluing fiat currency is the way in which others can exploit your labor
- 4Clojure
- Rocketship straight past imperative ways of solving problems
- Project RHO’s Atomic Rockets
- “So you wanna build a rocket?”
- Miegakure
- Grasping n-dimensional space will expand your mind
- Shodan.io
- Secure your IOT things or you’ll end up here